Zandr »Workflow« Erklärvideo / Explanationvideo
Client: Zandr / CCRI / St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung
Projektart: Erklärvideo, Explanationvideo, Video als visuelle Unterstützung auf der Website der wissenschaftichen Institution
Leistung von Filmkunst: Webdesign, Webprogrammierung mit Partnerunternehmen / Kamera und Schnitt.
Zebrafish platform Austria for preclinical drug screening (ZANDR)
ZANDR was established at the Children´s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) in 2019 and is a unique platform to phenotypically screen small compounds on zebrafish models of human diseases.Zebrafish and in particular zebrafish larvae is a well suited vertebrate model system to investigate various human diseases and to perform cost-effective screens for small molecules with therapeutic potential (1). Funded by FFG, we have established a zebrafish-optimized and automated screening platform, which is open to the scientific community. Please contact us, if you are interested in collaboration.